How we care for you

Health & Wellbeing

A wellness approach to health means adopting a variety of healthy habits for optimum function on all levels – physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Therefore it is necessary to look for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption and make interventions and lifestyle adjustments to optimise the nervous system for normal function. Our team strives to educate our patients on their health and wellbeing, by taking a holistic approach to providing nutritional advice, lifestyle modification and exercise prescription in addition to Chiropractic Care.


Family Care

We are a family oriented practice, working with families of all ages. It is essential to have a nervous system functioning at an optimal level from birth, to ensure your child has an opportunity for complete health from early on in their developing years. Chiropractic care encourages families to pursue a healthy lifestyle.


Sports Injuries

Our clinic specialises in the non-drug treatment of musculoskeletal problems, including joint sprains and disc injuries. We can assist you with injury prevention, acute and chronic injuries, rehabilitation, nutritional advice, pre and post-game preparation.


Spinal Health

Your central nervous system is the master controller responsible for supplying and coordinating all your bodily functions. It is a delicate structure which requires minimal force to affect its nerve supply and output. Most nervous system interferences are pain-free (non-symptomatic) and hence are often left untreated for many years. Our aim is to remove these interferences to ensure your nervous system is balanced to increase the self-regulating and healing mechanisms in your body, for optimal health and wellbeing.

Published by spinalharmonychiro

The doctors at Spinal Harmony are dedicated in helping you achieve your wellness and healthy lifestyle goals. Our holistic approach to patient care is the key to our success and the positive outcomes achieved for our patients. Get to know our treatment plans to understand the best practice approach taken by our lead doctor, Dr. Jovana Dumovic. The team is committed to bringing you better health and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the truest principles of chiropractic wellness care. We utilize a broad range of techniques to ensure each individual receives appropriate and necessary care for their body. These include; Sacro-Occipital Technique, Dry Needling, Visceral Practice and manual adjustments as well as gentler techniques for babies and young children. Chiropractors don't treat the symptoms. Rather, they remove the nerve interference which allows the body to do what it does best...which is heal itself! Patients seeking treatment at Spinal Harmony are assured of receiving only the highest quality care through use of modern chiropractic equipment and the latest methods, to allow the body to reach its maximal potential. There is strong focus on family both in the practice and community involvement, with Dr Elia's support both during and after pregnancy, whilst regularly holding talks and discussion groups at local schools and community groups. You are welcome to read through the articles, health blogs and information on our website to learn more about the types of injuries and health conditions that we look after in our clinic. At Spinal Harmony our Chiropractors have treated patients from all age groups, and have successfully helped infants as 1 day of age, primary school children, teens, working adults, athletes of all ages, expectant mothers, present during labour, children with disabilities and active seniors Thanks for taking the time to get to know us a little better, and we look forward to meeting you.